How to Be a Lucky Star
(cultural guide book)
Click here to read the full version of this guide book!
Dear Colleague (or Prospective Colleague),
We are different! Our grounding on the idea of being of genuine service to others makes us different from most other companies.
QW is built on the idea that it is a worthwhile objective to be of genuine service to the communities we touch. We believe that if we really get the “rubber to the road” with this worthwhile objective of genuine service, then financial sustainability and an organization-wide sense of accomplishment will be the natural by-products. We are also unusual because QW is owned by its staff members! (More on that later.)
Any well-functioning organization is really just a group of people who choose to join together to pursue a common objective. Our common objective is articulated in our mission, which is on the next page. This mission is not just our common objective; it is our reason for existing as an organization. It is also our purpose and intention, and it holds the promises that we make to the groups we are honored to serve. In a word, it is our “boss.” By choosing to be a member of this team, we all acknowledge its authority. It is our grounding point. Period.
You will almost certainly enjoy playing your role here if you read this book, seek to understand our intentions, then choose to approach your work with these intentions in mind. Please join us by behaving in ways that ensure that everyone notices an extraordinary difference. Be a Lucky Star!
Dennis Quaintance
QW ESOP Trust owns Quaintance-Weaver Management, LLC (QWM), and exists solely to provide retirement benefits for QW STAFF members. QWM, in turn, owns the Lucky 32 Southern Kitchen restaurants (L32 Group), QW Hotels, LLC (QWH), Quaintance-Weaver Restaurants, LLC, (QWR), QW Craft Guild (QWCG) and QW Admin (QWA). Each business in this family of companies has a separate leadership team. The link is our powerful grounding point to be of genuine service to the communities we serve. (FYI: QWM does not own any real estate, it leases the restaurants and operates the hotels for a fee. QWA’s mission is: To aid in the effectiveness and profitability of her sister QW companies. QWCG’s mission is: To provide the QW companies with extraordinarily high quality facility and furnishing services at a lower price.)
We are of genuine service to the following communities when we keep our promises to:
- Provide our guests with the highest quality food and drink and accommodations at a good value.
- Ensure that each guest receives prompt, friendly, attentive service by a well-trained service staff in a clean, well-maintained environment that is warm and hospitable (pleasant acoustics, lighting, temperature and aroma).
- Offer an outstanding menu plus an impressive selection of specials in our restaurants and an outstanding array of gracious amenities in distinctive hotels.
Fellow Staff Members
- Provide employment that is rewarding and offers education and opportunity in a fair, diverse and inclusive environment.
Owners (solely QW Staff Members)
- Generate profits that:
a) afford compensation for those who contribute
b) increase the value of staff members’ ESOP retirement accounts
c) allow the company to grow.

The Earth & Her People
- Consider sustainable practices, in our social & physical worlds, with all of our decisions. (Refer to our Sustainable Practices Initiative & Fairness Doctrine.)
Our idea that success is usually a by-product of doing something worthwhile is true for us as a group and also for us as individuals. It has been my experience that when I focus on the tasks assigned to me with an eye on being of “genuine service,” I enjoy my work more and end up making more money. This was true when I was a housekeeper’s assistant, porter, server, manager, and all of the other roles I have played, and it is true now. This by-product idea is one of the basic cornerstones of my personal value system, and it is a major positive force that helps me experience joy and prosperity. Since it helps me be happier and more prosperous, it makes sense that I should share it with my friends at work and let them benefit from something that helps me.
I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts that if you study these and act in ways that support our company’s and your department’s mission while you are at work, you will enjoy it more and will be more prosperous, now and in the future.
Because some groups have not, and are not, always treated fairly, we will proactively reach out to such communities by:
- Being extraordinarily committed to our “Fairness” and “Diversity & Inclusion” programs with the objective of being a role model for other organizations.
- Focusing much of our underwriting and sponsorship efforts to the African American, Latinx, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer and/or Questioning (LGBTQ) communities, plus other such groups.
- Working with refugee communities when we have employment opportunities.
- Looking for opportunities to employ people with different abilities.
- Encouraging a merit-based culture that seeks opportunities for underrepresented communities including African Americans, women, people of color, LGBTQ communities and other such groups.
Our Zero Tolerance Policy
Discrimination or harassment for any “off-purpose” reason, but with particular emphasis on discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, creed, marital status, pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, genetic information, national origin/ancestry, citizenship, and military or veteran status. These protections extend to all employment decisions, including recruiting, hiring, learning programs, advancement, compensation, scheduling and discipline actions.
Sexual Harassment
Harassment under this policy includes any inappropriate behavior that makes one uncomfortable as a participant or an observer. Some examples are unnecessary touching, massaging, sexual innuendo, crude jokes about gender-specific traits, and graphic or suggestive comments about an individual’s body or dress. These are only a few examples (not all) of things that could be considered sexual harassment.
We will terminate and pursue prosecution with anyone who chooses to steal
Use of Alcohol/Drug And Alcohol Policy
QW is a drug-free work place. Therefore, we conduct “post-accident,” “for cause” and random drug and alcohol testing. A complete copy of QW’s Drug and Alcohol Policy is provided to all staff members upon employment, and is available at
Reporting Concerns
We have a zero tolerance for bigotry, sexual harassment, theft and substance abuse.
We promise that we will not hold it against you for reporting concerns about bigotry or sexual harassment including if you report something about your supervisor.
Please confidentially report any of the above to our People Department or to Dennis Quaintance. Both can be reached at 336-370-0966.
You will only get good outcomes if you “walk your talk.” You can’t just read this and say, “Yes, that makes sense,” then put it away and forget about it. You must ask yourself daily and even more often, “Is what I’m doing now consistent with the values and mission that I’ve made a commitment to support?” “Can I draw a straight line to a mission-related objective that demonstrates that my behavior is supportive of these ideas?” I believe that we only know if we really hold a value if we voluntarily inconvenience ourselves to be of service to that value. We’ll only do that if we are mindful and considerate enough to notice when our impulses might be in conflict with our intentions.
walk YOUR talk
You’ll only ask yourself these questions if you set up a system to remind yourself. It is so easy to insert “off-purpose” actions into our work. For instance, it is typical to bring anger or sadness to work, then not act friendly. You’ll find that you can stop doing “off-purpose” things that negatively affect your job experience and potential if you look at the posted mission statement and use the mission card to remind yourself of “your own” and “our QW” intentions.
(And sometimes you still might not feel like “playing the game.” When that happens, I suggest that you “fake it till you make it.”)
Here is something that can help you consistently approach your work in ways that will result in good outcomes: Think of yourself as an actor or actress. Adopt this “acting” mindset and have a clear picture of how your “character” is to act–then you will have the fun of being a full-time actor or actress. The idea of our “learning systems” is to help teach you your role. Learn your role, act it out and you’ll probably love working with us. We’ll both win from our partnership. If you feel you are acting your part and you are not enjoying working with us, bring it to your department head’s attention and we’ll help by either changing some things or by helping you find your happiness, or both.
The Lucky Star Program exists to recognize and reward those who play their roles in a way that enables us to keep the promises made in our mission. Consistently play your role as we discuss in this book, and you will qualify. The performance criteria considered include: teamwork, friendliness, detail focus, smile, enthusiasm, adherence to dress code, cleanliness, promptness, attitude, consistency, communication, professionalism, safety and sanitation, treating others fairly and technical proficiency. We will not keep our promises to our guests and fellow staff members unless each of us is dedicated to these objectives. Please choose to dedicate the time you spend on our team with focused effort to help us keep our promises. Given that QW is owned by QW staff members, it just makes sense that all of us do our best to take great care of our guests and colleagues.
We are always looking for future Lucky Stars. See our current openings and apply online by visiting
We will all make mistakes. Let’s agree to be supportive and helpful with each other’s mistakes. Then, let’s focus so as not to repeat them. If we, as leaders, continue to make mistakes and do not keep our promises (like not posting the schedule on time); we will understand if you choose to reevaluate your commitment and leave. Likewise, if you continually don’t keep your promises, we will reevaluate our commitment to you. Since you have chosen to support us by acting the part, we promise to be supportive of you and to be extra supportive of those who display extraordinary focus and consistency. Become a “Lucky Star” and you’ll see what we mean. You now work for an organization that has a mission to be of genuine service to others. (Here, the mission is our boss, not another person.) Together we all work for the same thing. We just have different roles. The most important role I play is being supportive of each of you. Call me if I can help.
Dennis W. Quaintance

™ & © 2018 Quaintance-Weaver Restaurants, L.L.C. & Quaintance-Weaver Hotels, L.L.C.